Historical Atlas of the Low Countries (1350-1800) This project produces a historical GIS atlas of medieval and early modern local administrative and judicial… gis, low countries
Coin Production in the Low Countries, 14th century to the present The new dataset and web application ‘Coin Production in the Low Countries: fourteenth century to the… coin production, low countries
Priest-brethren in the Utrecht bailiwick, their superiors and their ties to the community in: Udo Arnold eds., Priester im Deutschen Orden. Vorträge der Tagung der Internationalen Historischen Kommission zur… priest brethren, teutonic order
The development of a medieval scribe in: Oliver Duntze, Torsten Schaßan, and Georg Vogeler eds., with the assistance of Bernhard Assmann, Johanna… palaeography, spelling variation
Leydis, Pauli, and Berchen Revisited. Collective History Writing in the Low Countries in the Late Fifteenth Century with Jenine de Vries. In: The Medieval Low Countries 1/2014 (Turnhout: Brepols 2015) pp. 95-137.… historiography, low countries
Priests in the military orders. A prosopographical survey of the priest-brethren in the Utrecht bailiwick of the Teutonic Order (1350-1600) in: Toomaspoeg, K. (ed.), Analecta Theutonica. Studies for the History of the Teutonic Order 1 (Galatina:… priest brethren, teutonic order
DHBenelux 2014: Describing and explaining shifts in labour relations using a micro-macro approach Describing and explaining shifts in labour relations using a micro-macro approach from DH Benelux… labour relations, united states
Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations, 1500-2000 Labour relations define for or with whom one works and under what rules. These rules (implicit… labour relations
Layer on layer. ‘Computational archaeology’ in 15th century Middle Dutch historiography in: Literary and Linguistic Computing. Journal of the Digital Humanities 28.2 (Oxford: OUP 2013) pp. 344-358.… stylometry, teutonic order