Preußen und die frühe Verbreitung der “Jüngeren Hochmeisterchronik”. Kulturelle Verbindungen zwischen Utrecht, Königsberg und Mergentheim (um 1480-1530) in: Marie-Luise Heckmann and Jürgen Sarnowsky (eds.), Schriftlichkeit im Preußenland. Tagungsberichte der Historischen Kommission für ost-… cultural exchange, low countries, prussia
Historical Atlas of the Low Countries (1350-1800) This project produces a historical GIS atlas of medieval and early modern local administrative and judicial… gis, low countries
Coin Production in the Low Countries, 14th century to the present The new dataset and web application ‘Coin Production in the Low Countries: fourteenth century to the… coin production, low countries
Leydis, Pauli, and Berchen Revisited. Collective History Writing in the Low Countries in the Late Fifteenth Century with Jenine de Vries. In: The Medieval Low Countries 1/2014 (Turnhout: Brepols 2015) pp. 95-137.… historiography, low countries